Repair and refurbishment of problem valves is often a more cost-effective strategy than replacement. Reconditioned valves avoid or reduce necessary system modifications, and can be brought back into service more quickly than waiting for the supply and installation of replacements.

Pinjarra Engineering is one of Australia’s leading specialist valve service providers, but the company owes its foundation to a single moment of insight some 30 years ago.

Whilst working for a large local refining company, Brad Cooper came across a stack of used valves that had been recently replaced with new. It occurred to him that whilst some of these valves were certainly ready for scrap, with appropriate refurbishment many could be recommissioned and brought back into service for less than the cost of replacement.

Brad left the company and started Pinjarra Engineering, offering a complete valve refurbishment service to his former employer and other similar businesses throughout the South West. The benefits were clear — not only was the cost of refurbishment significantly cheaper than replacement, but the refurbished valve would also be back on-site faster, and by replacing like with like, the customer avoided expensive and time-consuming system modifications.

His business grew rapidly, employing and training local school-leavers and taking on apprentices who quickly learned the specialist skills involved in dismantling, machining, welding and reassembling the valves.

Today, Pinjarra Engineering provides a comprehensive refurbishment service to customers, with fitting, machining, blasting and painting facilities all taking place under the one roof. Machine shop capabilities include both manual and NC machining, with the ability to reverse-engineer OEM parts and legacy components, thereby dramatically reducing lead times for customers.

The complete range of refurbishment activities are undertaken in-house including: valve disassembly and inspection; cleaning, sand-, shot- and sponge-blasting; re-surfacing and reconditioning of damaged parts; polishing and lapping of critical valve surfaces; and painting and subsequent re-assembly to manufacturer’s specifications.


Custom Fabrication

New Valves


Valve Refurbishment

Research & Development

Specialised Coatings

Pressure Testing

Ongoing Support



Fitting and Machining


What Our Clients Say

“Delivery on time, every time…well done.”

Clement Nonde

Procurement, Alcoa Kwinana

“Pinjarra’s industrial coatings are excellent. The care taken and work was of a very high quality.”

Adrian Padfield

Rotables Specialist, Tronox Limited